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How to Keep Your Revolving Door Sensors Error-Free

November 05, 2019

Automatic revolving door systems create a modern entrance that conserves valuable space and reduces energy usage. However, as with other public entrances, there are numerous considerations to make in creating a safe experience. Consider these tips on minimizing sensor errors and reducing the risk of accidents.

Choose the Right Size Door for the Application

The safety of a door and the status of its sensors depend largely on the simplicity of use. With that fact in mind, consider your type of business and the traffic you will see these factors before installation.: business type and traffic type. These factors are closely related. For instance, hospitals have more ill and elderly users, while retail outlets cater to those carrying multiple shopping bags. To choose the right size door, you’ll need to know who will use it most. These doors have other crucial safety features, including operation method (manual or automatic) and the number of wings (from two to four). Installing the wrong door can cause sensor errors and serious injuries.

Ensure That The Doors Can Handle the Load

It’s important to install the right door, but it is also vital to install enough doors to accommodate your visitors. How does this affect sensor operation and overall safety? 

Consider the following scenario: An entertainment venue has just one revolving door at the entrance, and there’s a concert starting in less than an hour. Everyone’s excited to get in, so they start pushing forward and they try to squeeze in too many people two or three at a time. These actions can overload the door’s sensors, causing errors and increasing the risk of injury. Assessing peak traffic needs and using that information to install the proper number of revolving doors will reduce errors and increase safety.

Don’t Forget About the Flooring

Create a safe, easy-to-use entrance for visitors by carefully choosing the flooring in and around your revolving doors. Different flooring types have varying effects. For example, a matting material will minimize slip-and-fall injuries. Pediments and stainless steel grates collect debris and dirt. When the material inside the door’s circular area is different than that on the outside, it shows users the path taken by the door wings. This reduces hesitation and lessens the risk of sensor errors.

Post Adequate Signage

Often, the difference between an error-free door and a mistake-prone one is ensuring that your visitors know which steps to take. Hanging signs are an effective way to direct users through automatic revolving doors systems. These signs should be at least 15.25cm in diameter and they should be easy to read easily readable from both sides of the door. The following signs may be required:
  • Emergency Stop
  • Caution: Automatic Door, Keep Right
  • Press to Slow
Certain other signs are recommended for users’ safety, such as:
  • Wrong-Way
  • Slow Down
  • One Way
  • Parents, Monitor Your Children
It’s a good idea to apply stickers or decals on curved door sidewalls and wing glass to make it easier for users to avoid contact with the glass the wings. 

Perform Regular Maintenance and Daily Sensor Inspections

Any entrance with sensors and moving parts require frequent maintenance and regular inspections to ensure smooth, safe, and error-free operation. This applies equally to revolving doors. For safe user experience, we suggest performing a few basic actions each day. 
  • Walk through each door, searching for abnormalities such as sensor failures, odd noises, and broken weatherstripping
  • Inspect the flooring around and in the revolving door, ensuring that it’s clear of clutter or debris that may trip a sensor or cause a user to fall
  • Wipe down the glass and sensors
  • Test safety measures for proper function, including door book folding, emergency stop buttons, sensors, and push-to-slow buttons.
With these simple maintenance tips, you’ll find it easier to keep your building’s automatic security revolving door systems in an error-free, safe state.

A revolving door can be a useful part of a commercial building because it keeps foot traffic moving safely and smoothly. However, many business owners are concerned that customers may be injured when using revolving doors. Thankfully, following these easy tips will reduce sensor errors and make your business’ revolving doors as safe and efficient as possible. Contact Door Services Corporation today to learn more about the company’s products or to request a service appointment.
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Your expert partner for pedestrian door service and installation, our company was built on quality products and long-term customer partnerships. We are a member of the American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers. Our AAADM certified technicians have over 50 years of product knowledge. We service and repair all doors and windows models of all automatic door manufacturers.

24/7 emergency service is available to meet your after hour needs in our designated coverage areas:
  • Advanced Door Automation - North Carolina and east to the coastal regions
  • Advanced Door Service - Eastern Pennsylvania, Virginia, DC, Baltimore and Northern Georgia
  • Allegheny Door Enterprises - Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
  • Automatic Door Enterprises - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas
  • Del-Mar Door Service - Delaware
  • Door Controls - Louisiana
  • Door Control, Inc. - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Northeast New York
  • Door Concepts, Inc. - Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts
  • Eastern Door Service - New Jersey
  • Keystone Automatic Door Enterprises - Northern Pennsylvania
  • Texas Access Controls - Dallas, Houston, Austin and Corpus Christi, Texas areas
  • Horton Automatics of Ontario - Ottawa Valley and Southern Ontario, Canada